Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why I am attending NSCC

All of my adult life I have worked several different jobs, and have tried to learn as much as possible from my co-workers and supervisors, but I have always felt that there was something missing. About seven years ago, my sister introduced me to a volunteer program with the Henry County Court system called Henry County CASA/Gal. A CASA/GAL is a Court Appointed Special Advocate, Guardian ad Lidem who is a trained volunteer to assist children in the court system that is victims of neglect or abuse. I thought I would try it, and decided to go ahead and take the training to help children who could not either help themselves, or were too afraid to voice their opinions to their parents for fear of more abuse. I worked as a CASA for a little over a year, and enjoyed working with the children and assisting them through a difficult time in their life. I gave up being a CASA when I became pregnant with my youngest son, so I could focus on my own family. I have always felt there was something missing from my life, and as I looked back on the work I did as a volunteer, I decided I wanted to do something to get back into helping people in that type of situation again. I am attending Northwest State College to become a Paralegal, in hopes that I could once again assist people or children in the court system again.

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