Tuesday, February 23, 2010

As I sat at my computer earlier today, I was thinking about an incident that happened between my oldest son and I two weeks ago, and I really feel pretty bad about it. My son likes to procrastinate until the last minute with his homework, and his weakest class is English or language arts. Two weeks ago he had a short story due, and waited until the day before to write it. I was pretty upset with him, especially because I knew he would wait until after dinner to do it. That would mean I would be proofing and typing the story for him around 9:00 that night. Well, needless to say I was a little upset, this has happened too many times. So I pretty much told him he was on his own this time, I wasn't helping. When I got up the next day of course I felt bad, so I proofed his story and we went over a few ideas I had to improve it. Your probably wondering why I was feeling bad, it's because I waited until today to write the rough draft that was due later today in class, I had procrastinated..... I think I owe him an apology.

1 comment:

  1. That's why we tell our kids "Do what I say not what I do".
