Thursday, February 4, 2010

When I was seven, my older sister was eighteen and had just graduated from high school and had gotten engaged. I can remember when she and her fiance came home to tell my parents they were getting married, my mom was so happy she was crying. Over the next months there was a lot of planning done, getting the decorations picked out, deciding on the colors for the wedding, and meeting with cake decorators to look at pictures of cakes they could make. I have always looked up to my sister, she and I have always been very close, so you could imagine how excited I was when she asked me to be the flower girl! I had never been in a wedding before, but I couldn't wait. It was so much fun to go with the other brides maids for fittings for our dresses. My sister would always take me with her, and we would meet the other girls at the dress shop. We all would go into different dressing rooms and try on our dresses and the seamstress in the shop would measure and pin the dresses for the alterations she would need to make. When we were all done my sister would always take me out to eat, or to get ice cream. So of course when the day for the wedding came I was so excited to get to wear my new dress and to be a part of my sisters wedding. We spent all morning getting ready, I never realized how much time it took to be a girl until that day! I watched my sister spend over an hour putting on makeup and fixing her hair. Then my mom and sister sat me in a chair and brushed and curled my hair, and they even put a little makeup on me. When all of that was done, we packed our dresses into my mom and dads car, and drove to the church. I really didn't understand why I couldn't put my dress on at home, I was so anxious to wear it! When we got to the church we went into a back room and finally, my mom and sister helped me put my dress on! But, I was told I could not leave the room, and I had to sit on a chair and wait. Do you realize how difficult it is for a seven year old to sit still and wait? So I do like I was told, and as patiently as possible I sit, and watch my sister put her dress and veil on. Like I said before, my sister and I were always very close and I always looked up to her, so you could imagine how in awe of her I was when she finally was dressed in her bridal gown. She was absolutely beautiful! I guess that was the moment I understood what all this fuss and planning was about. I actually did sit still then and watched her as she and my mom fluffed the dress, and made sure the veil was laying just perfectly. That was when we heard the knock at the door, and the other bridesmaids came in. It was finally time to get lined up and walk down the isle. So we all line up like we were told to, with my dad and sister are behind me. The bridesmaids are all down the isle, and it's my turn, so as I start to walk up I realize the church is completely full of people! I start to panic, no one told me all those people were going to be sitting there, and I froze! I couldn't do it, I just couldn't walk all that way with all those people staring at me! So I turned around, and saw my sister standing next to my dad, she was so beautiful, but I just couldn't do it. I took one step towards her, and she leaned down towards me. I thought she was going to tell me it was o.k. that I didn't have to do it, but instead she pulls her veil up off her face just slightly and leans down and says, "turn around, start walking, and get your butt up there"! Yep, that's my sister, the beautiful dress didn't change her one bit!

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