Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Being a single mom can be very hard at times. I decided to go back to school when the business I previously worked for closed due to the economy. I figured since I wasn't working, this would be the perfect time to get an education in a field that I don't have to worry about being laid off or the business closing, and one that could financially support myself and my two kids. What I didn't count on happening was my little one having problems in school, and being tested for ADHD. I know ADHD isn't a life threatening problem, but it does make things more difficult for him in school. A part of the testing the doctors do for ADHD are some neurological tests, just to make sure there are no other problems going on. So, my little one had an EEG that tested positive for a form of seizures. So now we are having further testing done to determine what is really going on. This has all been very hard on me, juggling school, work, and doctors appointments. But, I am most concerned with my little guy. He is the type of kid that never complains about anything, especially when he is sick or upset, he just keeps going. I try my best to make him understand what is going on, but it's hard for someone who is 7 to understand anything medical. So the best I could come up with is the reason he can't sit still is because he has ants in his pants, and all the tests he's having done will tell the doctor where the ants are so he can give him some medicine to make them go away. Does anyone have any other suggestions?????

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