Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Class Projects

I want to rant a moment about a project my friend and I did for one of our paralegal classes. We had to pretend we were lawyers representing a couple getting a divorce, and write a separation agreement with child support calculations and a custody agreement. Now, this was a fairly easy project for me, I have been married before and have gone through this process. My friend has never been married, and doesn't know what goes on when a couple gets divorced. So, we got together, hashed things out, and I wrote my version of the separation agreement. Since we both work for the same law firm in Wauseon, and one of our bosses is a Judge, we decided to ask him to look it over and suggest any changes we should make. When all this was done, I was pretty excited about turning it in, I was sure we would get a 100% on the project. So you can guess how I felt when I got it back and only had a 98%. Now, don't get the wrong idea, Iknow thats still an A, but what I was most upset about is the way the teachet decided to give the grades. After he read all the agreements, he put them in a pile from the worst to the best, and gave the top on a 100%, the next one 98%, and so on. I felt our project was worth the 100%. The persons project that got the top grade wasn't any better than ours, and had pretty much the same amount of effort put into it. It's just that this person is rude, and an over-sized bully that intimidates people into getting what she wants, and that is the only reason her project made it to the top of the pile. After class I asked the teacher why our project didn't get the top grade, and the only answer was because he had to give it to the other person. I'm still pissed!

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