Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blog Assignment #8

I am an avid reader, so it's difficult for me to pinpoint one thing I have read recently that has been enjoyable. I guess the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Meyer would probably be the most enjoyable series I have recently read. I started with "Twilight" on a rainy afternoon in early June, and finished 3 days later. I guess you could say I was obsessed with it and just couldn't put them down. I then read "New Moon", "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn" all over the next 3 weeks. I have been a fan of Stephen King since I was in high school, and have always been a fan of si-fi type of books. I think I enjoyed the Twilight books so much because they not only were si-fi, but also romance.

Blog Assignment #7

I do not use a formal process for writing. Unfortunately for me, sometimes I can sit down and my fingers cannot type as fast as my brain is working, and at other times I just sit and stare at the computer with no idea what to write. I guess you could say this is when I do my brainstorming and prewriting all at one time. The next process is usually when the essays are brought to class for the peer-editing. I take the time to read the peer edits, and make changes that are suggested, and re-write the essay at that time. I then re-read the essay one last time the day it is due, and make any changes I feel necessary, or add any information to make the essay clearer for the reader. Hopefully after this process I am satisfied with what I have written and turn it in to the professor.

My nephew

My nephew and I have always had a very close relationship. He is my favorite of all my nieces and nephews. He has spent the last three and a half years serving in the Navy as a Damage Controlman on the USS Peleilu in San Diego California. Over the last three years we have only gotten to see him two to three times a year depending on when his ship is out to sea. Summer of 2008, his ship left the first of May and made a trip to Iraq to transport Marines and more supplies to some of the troops already there. He is about to make one of those trips again in the next few weeks, so that means he will be home on leave this weekend!!! My whole family can't wait to see him and spend time with him before he goes to Iraq again. We are all very proud of him!

Oil spill in La.

One thing that really bothers me is the fact that anytime some major disaster happens in a foreign country, the US is there to assist in the clean up, and gives money to the people to re-establish themselves and their country. Well... the US has a major disaster south of Louisiana, and where is all the help? We are not only losing millions of gallons of crude oil into the ocean, but the ocean life is being destroyed. So where is all the help? The oil is headed to the coast of Louisiana and will cause more damage there, and they still have not completely cleaned up from the disaster Hurricaine Katrina left. So where are all the countries that have suffered tsunami's or hurricaines and the US has helped them?